You may not all have heard the  news. 

The Environment Agency through the office of the Harbour Master have declared the harbour closed to visiting yachts with immediate effect.

I had long discussions yesterday with the harbour master and Dave Philips was present; after going through all the options that we presented to him the decision was taken by him that the harbour is closed.

It is now officially tidal and not set up to receive visitors.

The reason for this is lack of water from the Lyd but more obviously a massive leak in the harbour gates allowing the outer harbour to almost dry.

That is something we will attack and deal with in due course. In the mean time we have a Rally to deliver.

The harbour master has agreed that a number of LYC yachts can go through for the weekend, (with the proviso that you understand that the  boats will touch the mud. No great surprises there.) dressed and fancy as you can so that the visiting public have something to see. So this year  our compound will include the harbourside.

Any dinghy owners who can, are encouraged to put them on display and that will be coordinated on Friday eve and Saturday morning.

The lack of visiting yachts is out of our hands and is very disappointing but we must do our best to make sure the visiting public enjoy the day.
And that we enjoy it too!

Help is still needed on Friday and Saturday with set up running stalls etc. Please lend a hand if you can.

Food will be available from 730pm on Saturday (£5 / head) with entertainment to follow!

Best Regards,

LYC Commodore

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