Just a note to remind everyone that membership is due by 1st January 2012 to claim your £5 discount. If you’ve lost your renewal notice then just go to the club website http://www.lydneyyachtclub.org visit the members section with your username and password and download a new one.
If you’ve forgotten your username and password email me commodore@lydneyyachtclub.org and I’ll send it to you.
Hi Everyone;
A few stalwarts are meeting for an improvised “Social” at the club at 19.30 hrs Friday 30th Dec to say an early goodbye to 2011 and have a general chinwag about 2012. Please do come and join us
If enough of you say “yes count me in” I will ask Gillian to do some bits and pieces.
A happy and prosperous new year to you all
Kathy Kilbey
01989 763236 07799 686 979