This will be the tenth consecutive Summer Cruise run in this format. For the sake of new members and reticent established members I feel I should explain that it is not an elitist group of sailors that set off on this adventure. All are welcome.
We all started sometime with varying levels of skill and courage. We (the pioneers) had little idea as to what we were up to when we first started but we quickly learned from our own experiences and the experiences of others. The same is true today, we are still learning, but we are willing to give advice and help to any that may ask for it. So do not feel that you cannot take part, advice and practise is available to you. Practise through taking part in shorter up and down cruises.
In the early days most of the boats were Wayfarers or Luggers and with these boats we sailed to a similar plan as that for this year. ie. The distance sailed each day is considered suitable for open boats.
The week’s aims are to have fun both sailing and socially in port; a floating pub crawl! Annabel is very keen to see more open boats on club cruises and has a wealth of experience which members can call upon; she is willing to give help and advice to those that ask for it. I too would welcome being asked for help and advice by those of you who wish to cruise. The club sits on the edge of a fantastic cruising area. Use it!

Peter Lockwood

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