Hello and happy New Year everyone, it does feel strange to be saying that when we are already nearly in March!
Things at the club have been rolling along quite happily and an excellent talk was given by Penarth RNLI on an incident in 2011. Also, they spoke of the flood defence work which they now take part in. Videos were shown of a complete numpty wearing Jeans, Tshirt and leather jacket attempting to sail single handed in a 7 – 8 gusting 9 Northerly against tide from Watchet to Cardiff!
Those of us that have sailed this course know how difficult it can be even in moderate conditions. Whatever we donate to the RNLI and SARA, it’s not enough!
Flood recovery work is probably the most dangerous form of rescue in that obstacles such as sunken cars, Leylandia, scrap yards and barbed wire have to be coped with. Couple this with flows of water of 14 knots and above and you can see the problems.
Here’s looking forward to a great…..and safe sailing season this year. Look out for me in dinghies this year, I feel the need for speed……….

Eric Witheridge

1 thought on “2013”

  1. Pleased to hear that it was interesting talk. I am sorry that I missed it but had to be at an event at the Reebok Stadium in Bolton instead.

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