A wonderful if wet weekend

This years rally proved as enjoyable as those past. We started on Friday night preparing the club for the onslought. Marting and Jo had already set up the beer barrels and it was just a matter of erecting Marquees and tables.

At around 10pm the Portishead crowd arrived accomanied by some Newport members in Caravans rather than boats. Mike and Min and friends tucked themselves away in a corner to avoid the inevitable ridicule of the floating caravan crews 🙂

Saturday brought a surprising number of people wanting to try sailing bearing in mind the early start and the weather. Not the queus of previous years but we did stretch to meet the demand.

Excellent work by Kathy and Mike in the safety boat kept them all happy and recovered a cold and wet couple of members who got into difficulties off Berkeley Pill. Good job we didn’t need Sara on the water, they were manning the gate! A couple of Sara paramedics showed their calm professional manner in helping to get the crew warmed up and persuading her that this was as bad as it could get and to keep sailing! I knew the donations were worth every penny 😉

Despite squalls and occasional downpours I think the day was a success. The evening proved to be excellent with Martin Wilson’s Swedish Candles (Oooooh modom!) or Norwegian Logs providing welcome heat.

The music was delightful and the Ukulele and Violin chorus was tolerable. Will from Portishead and I decided it’s perhaps worth having a practice or two and me getting new glasses!

Well done Annabel, Angus and all who joined in.

Sunday morning saw the tents packed up and the boats leaving, after which the Lydney Training band played some excellent music.

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the club and Gillian already has plans for a two day event with a big Marquee and heaps of interesting and entertaining events to celebrate one of the most successful clubs on the River. Our friends from Portishead, Newport, Cardiff and Gloucester and Chepstow have already said they’re coming.

Many many thanks to all those loyal club members that turned out to help.


1 thought on “A wonderful if wet weekend”

  1. Message from Gillian Mellor

    I would like to thank all the members of the club who came to our open day. People worked tirelessly to make sure our visitors enjoyed their time at LYC. It was a shame it rained so hard in between the sunshine but all in all it was a good day.

    For those of you who did not get there – what a great day you missed!!

    Put a note in your diary for next year (date not yet known but will be announced soon) that it is our 50th anniversary and you really should not miss it.

    Thanks for all your support
    Soc Sec

    Also thank you to Gillian for overseeing the organisation of this event.


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