Saturday 1st October starting at 0945 ish.

Race Guidelines

You will need paper, 3 matches, sausages, a means to cook them, skippers wear aprons whilst cooking.

Sail to Bullo, light a fire using local materials for fuel, cook your sausages (these may be tested for being properly cooked by the safety boat crew), eat your sausages and prepare to sail back to Lydney. You may sail when you want; the first boat back to the slip is the winner. There are no handicaps.

It is a fun event; give it a try!


1 thought on “BULLO BANGER”

  1. Let me see now; Sail up the river, land on a muddy bank, light a fire, burn sausages and then before the tide turns and leaves us stuck up the Pill relaunch and sail back? Sounds like a giggle. Dad, the Drascombe and I will certainly try to be there 🙂


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