Cafe project

I’m really pleased to announce that the club has voted by a large majority to go ahead with the Cafe project. I’d like to say a big thank you to Kevin for all his hard work and organisation. Also thanks to Mike for the plans which I’m sure will now be debated ad nauseam and all of you for your passion both for and against which will mean that provided we get the funding this will be a really great project for the club.

As was mentioned during the debates, Lydney dock is an ancient monument but more importantly it is a thriving, working amenity which needs to be kept running. Both for the benefit of the club and the local community.

Lydney will always be a funny, quirky little place and the club full of funny, quirky characters, which is what makes it such a wonderful place to visit and to sail from.

The next jobs are to raise the interim funding, to get a better idea of the scope of the project with possibly two options for consideration by the planning officers. Once we have something that could go ahead with outline planning permission, we will bring it back to the club for the final say on which scheme will go ahead.

Eric Witheridge

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