Rally 2012

Hi Everyone


John Christie is doing an exhibition of 50 years of the club for the rally weekend and he is looking for photographs, memorabilia, stories etc for the exhibition.  If anyone has any such items then please, if possible, scan photos onto a CD and post them to me or scan them in and email them to me (susanepearson@btinternet.com) or John , if you do send us the originals please let us have a return address. 


If you have any memorabilia that you are happy to lend us please let John or I know and we can arrange for you to deliver them or for collection.


As to stories these can be emailed to John or I.


John is also looking for some exhibition stands that he could borrow for the event.  However, he would need these well in advance of the weekend to enable him to mount the display.  Again if you do have any please let John or I know.


If you can think of anything else that may be relevant please let us know.





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