THE FIRST LYC “LADIES ONLY” DIRTY WEEKEND commencing Saturday March 23rd 2013.

THE FIRST LYC “LADIES ONLY” DIRTY WEEKEND commencing Saturday March 23rd 2013.

Bring your own protective clothing, club-hammer and bolster (wide cold-chisel). We are going to wreck the ladies loo – by removing all of the internal rendering, picking out the stonework ready for pointing; scrubbing with fresh water etc etc. We already have 3 flog officers (oops never could spell!  ) and a couple of other unconfirmed volunteers.

Can use up to 8 ladies, armed with tools as above, plus a wheelbarrow or 3. Raffle to decide who puts the first hammer thru the hideous and grotty old basin ! Sarnies, roaring fire and coffee will be provided in the downstairs snug. We should be finished by 3pm.

No blokes allowed on site. Any male person appearing will be handed a bucket and scrubbing brush and set to work cleaning the kitchen to with an inch of it’s life, after having provided tea / coffee and lunch for the girl-power squad.

Please confirm your attendance to Kathy Kilbey – Rear Commodore tel 01989 763236

Please respond to:
Kathleen J Kilbey MRINA RORC
Naval Architect & Marine Surveyor
Tel: +44 (0) 1989 763236 / 07799 686979
Skype: kathleenkilbey (Ross-on-Wye)

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