Update on Porlock

Message from Howard Lavis, Barry YC via BCYA

Update on Porlock.

“Pud” Harding has now taken over as Harbourmaster, and is planning to lay four visitors moorings alongside the ledge on the Starboard hand at the top of the Gut. These will be suitable for bilge keelers or keel boats capable of standing on legs, and will make access ashore easier, via the ladders on the wall, or the steps. Local boats will moor on the east bank.

I have spoken to Mark Blathwaite – owner of the Harbour, Pud and PWSC about the feasibility of locking boats into the inner dock for the weekend of their barbecue – this will enable boats which are not able to lie in the outer harbour to visit Porlock. They are all keen for this to go ahead, providing the logistics of closing the gates for the weekend can be agreed – it looks promising at the moment, provisional date 20th July.


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