Work Part7 25 February and Update of past work parties

Hello LYC members,


LYC Project Work-day Saturday 25th February 2012


Our fortnightly work day is almost upon us. You have achieved

an enormous amount since we started the present series of

projects. Just to recap we’ve completed the following – bar a

few tidying-up  jobs remaining.


New compound drainage system installed;


All boats moved, grass cut, boats replaced. (you should all check your

own boat for security,  don’t rely on other people; in future  members

will be expected to keep their own boat area cut and tidy and their boat clean.


Cruisers are now lined up along the South side Wall – a new fence is shortly being

installed by the EA. to fill the gap from the wall end to the East corner of the site.


Large boats have been moved to the area behind the clubhouse. Bit by bit, unused boats

will “gravitate” to that side of the site so we look more like a sailing club and less like a

marine graveyard…….  (we have a team of forest leprachauns with tractors who come

in and move things about while we are all asleep……)


If you are not able to wash your cruiser yourself, let me know and we will pressure wash

the hull for you for free this time; in future we intend keeping the place clean and tidy

including all of the boats on site and we will expect a donation of £10 per boat into club

funds for doing the job for you if we have to do it next time.


 Hint; why not make a resolution to get down, sort your boat and go sailing this summer!!!


North-side Overflow area; cut back and tidied up, boats tidied up and rubbish incinerated.


Safety Boat Hut; cleared out and contents inventoried and photographed for record.


Sail Store below kitchen;  cleared out and all equipment sorted and inventoried.

When the website is fully sorted pics will be uploaded so you can identify your kit.


Cupboards;  cleared out and cleaned. Rodents removed by a team of female exterminators.


OOD hut; cleaned, repaired and painted with preservative (looks very smart, too)


Safety Boat spare Engine: serviced and Gus has made a special trolley for it. 


Area of old Sail Loft: levelled and smoothed for reinstatement of grass (** see below)


Dry stone wall built to contain the pile of rubble on the old sail-loft site to the left

of the Clubhouse.  A movable canvas-covered workspace will be installed in the

corner, and provided with electricity and water for working on boats.


Winch:  removed and dry-stored next to the safety boat hut.


Winch electric cable re-routed to supply the new work area mentioned above.


Old sewer and vent pipe; cleared out, pipe removed and area made safe.


Unstable rendering:  removed from end wall of Clubhouse, RICS Survey will shortly

be carried out to identify structural work required to the building, now we have

sorted the drainage once and for all.


Downstairs snug cleared out and in use as Workers cafe, complete with roaring

log fire and tea/coffee during work days. Come to lunch with us!!!


All scrap iron; now removed from the site at a profit to the club.


That we have got so much done in a timely and efficient fashion is entirely

due to the enormous energy and enthusiasm shown by the team of regular

helpers (numbering 16 on one occasion) who come in every two weeks and

work hard from 10am – to around 4pm.


We provide lunch-sarnies and tea/coffee in civilised surroundings and lots

of intelligent conversation (well it must be, because I cant understand a word of it….)

judge for yourselves – see the videos at  


This Saturday 25th Feb, the jobs are:


1.Finish levelling the last bit of the old sail loft area (the tump just inside the gate)


2.Finish clearing the landslide behind the clubhouse so we can decide how to stabilise

   the bank.


3. Move the last remaining boat from in front of the clubhouse, to its new berth next

   to the safety boat hut.  Gus is then going to experiment on it with his pressure washer!!!!


4. Fill in all of the hollows left from the drainage project with topsoil, compact and

    prepare surface for grass seed in spring.


For this we need at least 12 good strong lasses and lads armed with picks, shovels, spades

wheel barrows and strong rakes. Aided by Gus and his Little Yellow  “Tonka tractor”.


If you can, please advise your availability, otherwise just turn up. Bring wet weather gear

because we need to get these jobs out of the way this month, so we can do the more pleasant

and technical stuff to do with sailing, next month.


Gillian, could you please organise the usual excellent repast for around 12 people and I will

organise a roaring fire by which to munch it.


Thank you all for reading this spiel, and I look forward to working with you

on saturday



Kathy Kilbey


Kathleen Kilbey I.Eng MRINA
Rear Commodore, Lydney Yacht Club


Please respond to:

Tel:  +44 (0) 1989 763 236

Fax: +44 (0) 700 580 1821

Cell: +44 (0) 7799 686 979

Skype:        kathleenkilbey


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