Work Party 11 February

Hi all,

Once again a big thank you to the following regulars on the February projects days.

Unsung hero Dave P and his big yellow Tonka Toy and Richard C. for moving the biggest corner landmark to a new temporary home a couple of weeks ago.

On 11th February, a glorious sunny and quite fresh day allowed us to get a lot more done both inside and outside.

We had a team of feminine Rodent Eliminationistes in to the clubhouse (they were preparing the nosh at the same time, so I hope you all enjoyed your baked spuds with minced mouse filling…..)

Lots of earth and rock moved behind the club house so we can now see the cesspit to get it emptied in the next week or so; Gus and his little Tonka Tractor very much in evidence. ( I actually got to run amok on that briefly, as well…)

The main gang (shades of the “chain-gang”) have almost finished levelling the old sail-loft area so we can plant runner beans…. sorry I mean grass.

We moved another major marine landmark from the corner by the safety boat hut so we can get the fence fixed. That area is now clear apart from the growing scrap-heap.

The safety boat now has a pretty daffodil-yellow reconditioned trailer to ride on, thanks to the efforts of Gus the fixaholic Scottie and his engineering, welding and grit-blasting/painting expertise.

Peter Lockwood (a warm welcome back to the fun, Peter) was busy sorting the awards and Library as well as getting stuck in with some earth-moving etc.

Bosun James was busy giving Clubbar a hard time (she’s getting a thorough refit of her widgets and paint + a tidy mainsail.

Once again thank you to the very enthusiastic group involved and there is no doubt that minced mouse provids lots of energy for a cold day…

Susan Pearson (Vicey for short) i/c Rodent elimination 
Gus Brazenall and his Tonka Tractor & white van
Hayley Biddle – (deputy rodent eliminationiste)
Hynek Obertel – i/c wall construction (he worked for Hadrian in his former life)
Peter Lockwood i/c library and awards cabinet development
Ivan Shooter and his shovel
Andy Simons and his shovel and barrer
Roger Gribble & his pick
James Ferguson 
Roger Bamford and his spade.

Agravated and interfered with by “the old bat in the little red hat”
(AKA Rear Com or R-C for short)

Next work day is Saturday 25th February when we shall be completing the earth-moving and raking, before re-seeding the torn-up grasslands.

video is at and on the rearcom newspage





Kathy Kilbey


Kathleen Kilbey I.Eng MRINA
Rear Commodore, Lydney Yacht Club


Please respond to:

Tel:  +44 (0) 1989 763 236

Fax: +44 (0) 700 580 1821

Cell: +44 (0) 7799 686 979

Skype:        kathleenkilbey

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