Work Party 25 February

Hi everyone

Once again a good day’s work last Saturday. The team tackled some really tuff stuff in the form of a heap of coagulated ashphalt just inside the gate, for which we may yet have to get the forest leprachauns involved.

Peter Lockwood (the new Librarian?!) got the posh trophy cabinet up on the wall in the upstairs snug.

James Ferguson and Sue LLewellyn got busy on Clubbar’s varnish work, dont trip over her bottom boards, they are gracing the Ladies loo whilst they harden…..

Eric (El Commodore) got cracking with his grinder and sorted Harmattan’s hitch, so Gus the Fixaholic could re-park this last compound landmark in with all the other boats. It now looks just as if they are all lined up for a “Le-Mans” type racing start down the slipway!!!

Ivan, Peter Emery, Gus, and Roger Bamford wielded picks and shovels to great effect
Gus also ran amok with his little yellow tractor and trailor as usual.

Hedley carried out some of his machinations on the Safety boat comms systems.

Gillian (The Invisible) as usual provided refreshments in her usual efficient manner.

The video can be seen at    and on the LYC blog

 + Rear Commodore’s news page at

On behalf of the committee, many thanks indeed to all of you for your support over the last few weeks.

The only urgent heavy jobs left are;
Completion of levelling of the old sail loft area, raking out and grass-seeding
Levelling of the terrace area in front of the clubhouse, laying slabs.
Finishing clearing behind the Clubhouse, restoring the retaining wall etc.
Brushing and painting the Safety boat hut with redlead (or its modern equivalent)

Then get yer blinkin’ boats fixed up and go sailing we’ve earned it !!!!

Next workdays Saturday 10th March and Saturday 17th March. Details will be circulated and posted on the web pages as usual.



Kathy Kilbey


Kathleen Kilbey I.Eng MRINA
Rear Commodore, Lydney Yacht Club


Please respond to:

Tel:  +44 (0) 1989 763 236

Fax: +44 (0) 700 580 1821

Cell: +44 (0) 7799 686 979

Skype:        kathleenkilbey


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