New Member Welcome

We extend a warm welcome to Alec Paige and his partner Jacqueline Griffin who joined the club in October. Alec has sailed in the past in other parts of the UK but is new to sailing on the River Severn. He is currently looking for a Wayfarer but would prefer to crew for people at the beginning of the season. So if anyone needs a crew please let me know and I will pass you details to him. Some members will have already met Alec as he attended the Presentation Evening in November and he emailed me to say that he thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the warm welcome that he received.

on behalf of Susan Pearson (Membership Secretary)

1 thought on “New Member Welcome”

  1. Bill Findlater

    I came down to Chepstow on the last weekend in June a couple of weeks ago. With your new member Alec Paige to crew for him when he took out his Wayfarer for the first time. It was a glorious sunny Sunday and 4/5 othet boats were sailing. With a bit of help from several other members. We got the boat up and running and enjoyed a great hour of sailing in perfect coditionns . Apart from a little mishap on the mud banks as we came in everything went perfectly for a first sail on the river.

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