October Social Events

Autumn and Winter Social Events

The sailing might be winding up as the season draws to a close for some at Lydney Yacht Club, but there is still plenty going on!

OktoberFest Saturday 3rd October 2015
We will be joined at the weekend by visiting boats from Portishead Cruising Club. This year we have guest beer, great food, a real pizza oven and entertainment. Don’t forget to bring your Uke (other instruments also welcome)!

Lydney Yacht Club New Members Day Sunday 11th October 2015
If you are a new member (or old member for that matter!) this is a great chance to meet other members of the club and find out a bit more about what goes on at LYC. Whether you are into dinghy sailing, cruising or more of the social side of things, take the opportunity to come over to the club and find out how to get more involved. We are now approaching 100 members, so this promises to be a great celebration for our Club.

The bar will be open from 12:30pm and there will be a BBQ lunch from 1pm; Burgers, Sausages and Salad (there is a booking form by the bar, or Face Book Christine Nutting via the Lydney Sailors Group). Feel free to bring you own lunch to cook on the BBQ.

Lydney Yacht Club AGM Saturday 24th October
The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Club House from 7:30pm. All members are encouraged to attend to help shape the future of our Club.

There is also plenty planned for November & December …watch this space for more information!

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