Opening of refurbished bar area

Friday nights event was excellent and really well attended. Our thanks to Gillian for arranging for the RNLI to attend, I gather they will be looking out for us at Cardiff Bay during their festival.

The bar looks wonderful thanks to the very hard work of Hedley and his team of helpers. The room is warm and comfortable and I think thanks should also go to the committee who’ve worked tirelessly to get things organised and done.

Of course as usual the work has sparked the debates without which Lydney Yacht club would have nothing to do during the off season! The debate about the compromise between character and comfort will run and run but I’ll make it crystal clear, all decisions regarding the club house will go through the Rear Commodore and committee so if you’ve got a beef make it known to a committee member.

Let’s please do our best to try and keep the bar area nice. That means no muddy or wet gear in the bar. Should Dogs, which are already banned from the Kitchen for hygene reasons be kept to the snug area or downstairs? The tables are for food and drink preferably on plates and in glasses. They are not convenient sawhorses, props or engine mounts.

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