The next three races (on April 9,10,&16) are for the Ian Hutchinson Trophy, your best two results score towards this trophy.
Be sure to join in the excitement and try to win this first trophy of the season.
There will also be a fee/donation collected for the RNLI….they need your support and you never know when you may need them!
More details available from Peter Lockwood 01989750396


  1. Hi Lydney YC!
    Sorry to hijack a post on your blog, but hopefully you’ll forgive me!
    I have an Achilles 24 triple keel at Thornbury, and a friend with a fin A24 at Portishead is trying to get together a ‘rally’ of A24s some time this summer. If you are interested details can be found at http://www.flickr.com/groups/achilles24/discuss/72157626260970575/#comment72157626308587021
    and please let me know if you would be interested in coming. Failing that, the BCYA is planning 2 rallies in July – one in Wales at CYC on 9/10 July, and another at Watchet on 23/24 July, and it would be good to get a turnout of A24s for those.
    You are of course always welcome at TSC at any time, and I’m definitely going to get to Lydney this summer, although probably not for your rally, as it clashes with the Round Lundy race.
    Hope to hear from you (the last time I saw Peter at TSC I think you still had 3 A24s at Lydney.Is this still so?)
    Rob Hudson (01454 281583)

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