Bar Bottle Cooler

After many years of putting up with the tatty old fridge behind the bar we now have a new bottle cooler (for those who have yet to see the new bar it is the same as those that you see in pubs etc)


Hedley has advised me that he was at the club this week and decided to have a look at the bar area and he found the new bottle cooler and till had been switched off at the mains.


Whilst he is sure this was done with the best intentions it is contrary to the instruction manual for the bottle cooler.


The manual states:


The unit should be left on as it operates only just below room temperature and uses minimal power if the door is not being opened and closed.

If the unit is switched off it has to be emptied and slowly refilled a few bottles at a time as the bottles cool.   If the light needs switching off there is the small switch near the temperature gauge  with a light symbol (MARTIN HAS THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL so please consult him before turning off the light on how to do it correctly).

Whilst we are on the subject of equipment please refrain from using the vacuum cleaner at present as the filters have become blocked and I have sourced new ones and am awaiting delivery of these.

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