
Hi All;

We will need a massive effort from all of you to help with the Summer Rally on Saturday 15th June from 0800 and a tea stall after to open air service on Sunday 16 June.

We will need the following help:

A work party on the weekend of Saturday 25/26 May, to clear up the detritus from the winter’s boat storage and movements.

Toilets also need cleaning and fettling as best we can, on an “as-is” basis.

We will also need labour to help set up the stalls and stands on Friday 14th June.

Please advise your availability to me – kathykilbey@gmail.com or 01989 763236 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01989 763236 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting (don’t phone my mobile, its far too smart for me (and it’s own good) and will shortly be learning to swim!!


Rear Commodore

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