Safety Boat Sunday 23 June

Hi All, Annabel needs a safety boat helm and crew for the Tea Clipper thinghy this coming Sunday.
I’ve been working flat out for the last 3 weeks on the Summer rally and I’m doing an all day club stand on this Saturday so I am not going to be able to get there for 06.00 on the Sunday. I believe Gus is away that weekend also, so perhaps you enthusiastic dinghy sailors can find a couple of volunteers to forgo your sail and do it by motor boat instead!!!

Please respond to:
Kathleen J Kilbey MRINA RORC
Rear Commodore, Lydney Yacht Club
Committee Member BCYA
Tel: 01989 763236 / 07799 686979
Skype: kathleenkilbey (Ross-on-Wye)

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