Summer Cruise

I’ve just returned after spending the weekend with Peter on Suomi sailing back from Cardiff to Portishead and then Lydney.

This was the end of what seems to have been a very successful summer cruise, following winds and sunshine in the main. Suomi sails like a dream and with Peter’s expert attention we easily stayed ahead of the fleet (6.6 Knots through the water) until we turned back to wait for a bedraggled John on Muckle Flugger who suffered a blown Gib and dodgy engine.

One or two members of the club suffered some interesting adventures which I will leave others to elaborate on. Pictures to follow.

A great success thanks to Peter and great to see so many taking part for some if not all of the cruise. A special welcome was given to the stalwarts Terry and Allan on Ebony Gem and we hope to see more of them in the future.

Eric Witheridge


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