Summer cruise the full story…..ish

For those that missed it you missed a great SUMMER CRUISE!
With winds from force 0 to 5 to deal with, usually abaft the beam, good
temperatures, sunshine and (for the most part) rain at night.  What more could
you ask for? And, for the first time for a couple of years, we kept very close
to the plan!
There were personal difficulties along the way, speak to John about his,
but we all came through it with a real sense of having had a good time.  We went
to Minehead for the first time for several years and maybe the last for the
harbour fees have increased threefold!  You are given nothing for this
increase(no facilities) making Watchet seem like a cheaper and more
attractive alternative.  For me my perfect day was the sail out to Lundy
from Ilfracombe, a walk to the north end of the island followed by a couple of
pints and vitals in the Marisco before returning to Suomi just as the sun was
It was a brisk sail from Ilfracombe to Barry where we were chased by a
westerly force 5 which built up quite a sea but it gave us all some exciting
In Cardiff we had our now traditional pontoon party where all amassed to
swap stories, sing, eat and drink.  In all 12 boats were involved in the week
which is a good turnout for a small club.  Fines were given for misdemeanours
during the week and £40 was raised for SARA.
Next year will be our tenth successive Summer Cruise in this series; start
planning to be there now!
Peter (and thanks to all those involved to make this such a successful

4 thoughts on “Summer cruise the full story…..ish”

  1. Sorry I missed it. It sounds great and I do wish I’d been there. Next year perhaps. We are coming over for our son’s wedding. I might get leave……..

    Bill Bayly

  2. Yes It was a fabulous cruise! Unbelievable fair winds never before experienced on a summer cruise, and record breaking time in Ilfracombe and beyond. Now I have to take my wayfarer to Lundy, since I left it in Ilfracombe and sailed to Lundy on the ‘dark side’, ie in a cruiser. It’s surely time that more wayfarers came down channel and put our club back on the map as the only dinghy cruiser club in the Bristol Channel. Even Cardiff Barrage and Portishead Marina are getting used to us going in and out under oar power. Come on wayfarer sailors, go down the slip way and turn left!

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